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Böhme, Ferdinand

Ferdinand Böhme Ganga

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red bronze
78 ¾ in

“Ancient records show the personified goddess of the sacred river, the Ganga, pouring, entangled in the knotted hair of a Shiva resting in a lotus. With his attributes trident and tiger skin, he is enthroned like the snowy peaks of the Himalayas, blue in color, forefather of all yoga. Gurus and Samadi go to the deserted heights to meditate. Here in Gangotri it appears in daylight for the first time, that river, stumbling down towards the vast Rishikesh, spreading out in the fertile plains of central India to be worshipped as lifegiving, paid homage to as a divine gift. Take a bath in the Ganges and you are not cleaned, but you are purified. Die in the Ganges and float down into the Bay of Bengal and perhaps further south into the Andaman Sea. Beach yourself on a lonely island of the same name. Where the last savages dwell, be born again, and live by hunting lizards. Adieu André.“ Ferdinand Böhme, 2022

The artistic drive of the Austrian sculptor Ferdinand Böhme is powered by the search for the essance of being human. For this Böhme uses on the one hand the human body that has sprung from nature, on the other hand the parallel world of legends and myths created by man himself. Ferdinand Böhme culminates this combination of nature and culture in his sculptures to figures of gods and legends or icons of art and cultural history. His motifs are natural beings, firmly attached to the earth – from which their naked bodies originated – and yet enraptured in the world of the imagination.